Low latency item-to-item recommendation system

Low latency item-to-item recommendation system. The foundation of the solution are BigQuery and ScaNN, an open source library for efficient vector similarity search at scale


Developer: gcp

Last Modified: Jan 4th 2021

Provider: GCP


GCS Bucket nameThe name of the GCS bucket to be created. This bucket will contain the generated static website. The name has to be globally unique
Cloud AI Notebook nameThe name of the Cloud AI Notebook to be created
Notebook instance typeInstance type of the notebook to be created
BigQuery multi-region location
RepositoryThe code repository name to commit the generated blog code and content
Custom Image NameThe name of the docker image to be built and used in the project


Frontend code repositoryCreated repository with item-to-item recommendation system
Jupyter NotebookURL to the created CAIP Notebook

Infrastructure Cost

ComponentApprox Price Per MonthFree TierPrice